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Rich Lopez
Rich’s love of the outdoors started in California. There, he enjoyed hiking, fishing and backpacking. Later, in college, the military and graduate school, he took up skiing, sailing, international travel, beach combing and counting waves.
Now, as a retired city planner and attorney, he’s grateful for the opportunities to participate and lead local governments and nonprofits in the fields of land use, health, energy management, youth development and philanthropy. His current focus is finding ways to mitigate the impacts of global warming by helping people learn how to protect our planet. He still enjoys counting waves.

Nancy Commins
Dr. Nancy Commins has worked with students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds over the past four decades. Her roles have included classroom teacher, university professor, program director, school district administrator and independent consultant assisting schools and districts in their efforts to improve instruction for multilingual learners. Now retired, she is a Clinical Professor Emeritus in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education at the University of Colorado Denver.

Becky Chavez
Dr. Rebecca "Becky" Chavez has worked in education for over 20 years. Most recently, she was at Front Range Community College, Boulder County Campus in Longmont. While there she served as the Senior Director of Retention & Support Services, implemented the TRIO Student Support Services grant as Program Director, and served as the Director of Admissions & Outreach.
Becky was also key in the creation of the Latinx Excellence, Achievement, & Development Scholars (LEADS) program at FRCC. Her community involvement also includes serving on the Friends of Longmont Muesum, Friends of Longmont Youth, the Milagros Scholarship Advisory Committee, and is a participant in the Latino Leadership Institute.

Brian Sundberg
Brian's love of the outdoors began as a child on summer vacations "out west". During these trips, he was impacted by National Park Naturalists who placed a respect for nature in him that would last a lifetime.
After graduating from the University of Illinois, he decided to move to CO to make "out west" his permanent home.
Nearly 30 years later, after creating a successful real estate business and raising a family (who all have benefitted from CalWood programs), Brian is focused on helping CalWood expand its reach and provide the impact to children's lives that he received so many years ago.

Griselda Landa-Posas
Griselda earned her B.S. degree in Wildlife & Conservation Biology with a minor in Ethnic Studies. She has worked for the National Park Service in Alaska and Florida, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Oregon, and Environment for the Americas, a non-profit based in Boulder, CO. Most recently, she served as a Water & Land Steward with Colorado Open Lands.
Currently pursuing her M.S. at Colorado State University, Griselda’s research focuses on community-based ecological restoration that is guided by Indigenous Ecological Knowledges (IEKs). As a member of the Indigenous Land & Data Stewards Lab at CSU, she is passionate about developing ecological restoration and land stewardship strategies that honor Indigenous relationships to land and promote resilience in both ecosystems and communities.
Griselda’s personal interest and connection to these topics is rooted in her family’s heritage. Her parents are from rural Michoacán, Mexico, along the southernmost migration route of the Monarch butterflies, and she is partially descended from the Purépecha people. These experiences inspire her dedication to collaborating with Indigenous communities.
In addition to her academic pursuits, Griselda is an active member of her community. When she’s not in the office or the field, she enjoys making jewelry, rock climbing, cycling, and exploring Colorado’s beautiful outdoors. She is also a big fan of science fiction and fantasy novels.

Rodrigo Moraga
Rod has spent 35+ years working in Natural Resource Management focusing on combining advanced fire behavior modeling and sound forest management practices to enhance ecosystem health, while mitigating the Wildland-Urban Interface fire threat.
He is currently the Chairperson of the Colorado Prescribed Fire Council. He serves on the Boulder County Type 3 Team as Operations Chief and on the Rocky Mountain Critical Incident Management Team as a Fire Behavior Analyst. He is also a volunteer firefighter with the Lefthand Fire Protection District.

Teresa Chapman
Conservation Impact Scientist at The Nature Conservancy (2013-present).
University of Colorado Instructor in forest and fire ecology, physical geography, statistics, and spatial data (2007 – present).
MA and PhD in the Geography Department from the University of Colorado with 20 years of experience studying forest disturbance in Colorado and the West.
Research mentor to students from underrepresented groups in science.

Dan Calvert
Chair of Board
Retired from U.S. NAVY; Self-Employed Accountant; Son of the Cal-Wood founders, Roger and Oral Calvert.

Fritz Koch
Who is Fritz? I guess I’m officially an Iowadoan, having spent 28 years in Iowa and now 28 more in Colorado. I was formerly confused, with a BS in actuarial science and a MA in expository writing, then later as an investment analyst and fire training captain - concurrently. And now, after far too many hours in a computer-lit office and not nearly enough on a mountain, I am clearly a life-long, number-crunching, computer geek, a seven-time dog parent, and a one-time husband and father, who is inspired by hiking to mountaintops, teaching anyone about wildfire, and learning from my amazing family and friends. So I guess I’m a Cal-Woodian.

Bob Wood
A Colorado Native, I have been involved with the Calvert Family since 1960. I received my BA in Education and Masters in curriculum development and instruction with an emphasis in vocational education. I have 14 years of teaching experience and am currently running my own business that focuses on aerospace, steel fabrication, contractor, and site development.

Greg Calvert
Catering Manager, Pensacola Bay Center

Jan Chu
Retired Biology Teacher, Boulder Valley School District; Active Butterfly researcher and volunteer naturalist.

Soraya Smith
Soraya Smith is President of American Outdoor Products, the parent company of food brands Backpacker’s Pantry and Astronaut Ice Cream, both pioneering food brands. Soraya is licensed through
the Colorado Bar Association, and has completed an accredited professional Culinary program. She is the lead recipe development innovator at American Outdoor Products. Soraya’s passion for our planet’s sustainability, make sustainable food supply chain, addressing food insecurity, climate change advocacy and outdoor education for future generations, her personal and company’s goals.
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